About us.
TH, the largest factory of Aluminum LED profile in China, baino gehiagogatik 17 urteak. LED etxebizitzen kanalaren tonu guztiak gure horniduran eskuragarri daude. Ezaugarriak: Erraza izan, fidagarria, kalitatea prezio onenarekin, horiek Txinako beste led profil batzuetatik nabarmentzen gaituzte. Pozik egongo da gure aluminiozko led profilen fabrikan, zure LED negozioa mundu osoan babesteko gauza garrantzitsu bat eztabaidatzeko. Ginen, eta beti egoten dira bezeroak lortzeko” Deitu eta mezu elektroniko bat bidali elkarrekin lankidetzarako.
Any color of led channels is OK from our aluminum factory
Square meters
The largest factory of aluminum led channel producing in China.
Made in our factory each day.
designs of led channel
update the led channel design each day to meet the new apply and quality.
TIANHUA, aluminiozko led kanalen industrian lider paregabea. It is welcome all customers from all over the world to visit our aluminum factory first, before order. We are not just a big aluminum factory with best price for the customers, also, be a easy-going partner with the customers who are in the led lighting business.